Monday, April 14, 2008

lets add this to the list.

...of wonderful things to do and fabulous places to visit. i think its about that time to take the trip to san fransisco. or at least talk about one day possibly taking a trip in the near future if everyone's schedules permits us to do so. right. so, i vaguely remember the idea being brought to life, but was probably put out as quickly as the next marborlo light. well here we go, when it happens - ive got the spot that i would love to stay at.

for once i might have found the perfect concept for rooms that would actually keep me in them - oh, i don't know maybe an hour longer than usual. the :: hotel des arts :: in san fransisco is unreal. basically the management handed over keys to local contemporary artists and let them have their way with the rooms. if only, have i stumbled upon what might be a new trend in the making? (wait, no. scratch that. reverse it. we don't want it to become trendy).

i know who i would like to stay with here, the only trouble i might have is deciding which room to pick.

the fact that there is free wireless internet is just a perk. a lovely one, nonetheless. im trying to pretend that i didnt just miss a rock-n-roll show on the roof for an art gallery opening.

so the more i am reading about this hotel, the more excitement i feel inside. i like to do that to myself from time to time, like a little lost girl with art addicted attention deficit disorder. aaadd. right. regardless, it is definitely my style and until i am proven otherwise - a place that i would love to see.

and can you honestly say after a night out on the town, how awesome would that be to return to your room only to read something as romantic as that?

make mine a queen, non-smoking. extended check-out if you please.


suzannemarques said...

this hotel has little miss sunshine written all over it. it's like you designed it you fabulously creative gal. i love you! i miss you too!

ALL THE BEST said...

Just found your blog from Suzanne's and look forward to seeing more postings.

Annie Crowninshield said...

I'm fresh off a trip up to SF myself and I say fly, fly like the wind and have an amazing a time as we did. I just wrote my own post on the experience. I wanna go back already!